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[plamo:21092] Re: postmasterは何のために?


> From: "Tadashi Nakamura" <tn_mls@hotmail.com>
> Plamo を Install すると Default で /etc/passwd に
> postmaster:x:14:12:postmaster:/var/spool/mail:/bin/bash というユーザ
> が作成されますが、この postmaster はどういう役割を担っているのでしょ
> うか。

RFC822 より

          It often is necessary to send mail to a site, without  know-
     ing  any  of its valid addresses.  For example, there may be mail
     system dysfunctions, or a user may wish to find  out  a  person's
     correct address, at that site.

          This standard specifies a single, reserved  mailbox  address
     (local-part)  which  is  to  be valid at each site.  Mail sent to
     that address is to be routed to  a  person  responsible  for  the
     site's mail system or to a person with responsibility for general
     site operation.  The name of the reserved local-part address is:


     so that "Postmaster@domain" is required to be valid.

     Note:  This reserved local-part must be  matched  without  sensi-
            tivity to alphabetic case, so that "POSTMASTER", "postmas-
            ter", and even "poStmASteR" is to be accepted.
RFC822 は既に RFC2822 に変更されていて、 RFC2822にはこの↑記述はないので、

[plamo:21094] Re: postmaster は何のために?, Tadashi Nakamura
[plamo:21127] Re: postmaster は何のために?, KATOH Yasufumi
[plamo:21091] postmaster は何のために?, Tadashi Nakamura

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