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[plamo:11652] Re: Question Backspace key

  加藤 さん、こんにちは


  > う〜む.どうしてかなあ.私も最初そうだったので,色々調べましたから.と
  > 思ったら,.cshrc (私は tcsh 使ってます) に
  >   stty erase ^H
  > みたいな記述が (これは私が勝手に入れたような) .

  >   stty erase ^H
これは Emacs FAQ の 124 にある。

124: Why does the "Backspace" key invoke help?

  The "Backspace" key (on most keyboards) generates ASCII code 8.  `C-h'
  sends the same code.  In Emacs by default `C-h' invokes help-command.
  This is intended to be easy to remember since the first letter of "help"
  is `h'.  The easiest solution to this problem is to use `C-h' (and
  Backspace) for help and DEL (the Delete key) for deleting the previous

  For many people this solution may be problematic:

  * They normally use Backspace outside of Emacs for deleting the previous
    character.  This can be solved by making DEL the command for deleting
    the previous character outside of Emacs.  On many Unix systems, this
    command will remap DEL:

      stty erase `^?'


126 もちょっと興味ある質問で(笑)
126: How do I "swap" two keys? にキーを入れ換える方法が書いてある。
 For example, to turn `C-h' into DEL and DEL to `C-h', use


[plamo:11679] Re: Question Backspace key, KATOH Yasufumi
[plamo:11650] Re: Question Backspace key, KATOH Yasufumi

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