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[plamo:04466] Re: loginできません

>外付け HDD が見つからなければ / がマウントできないといって kernel
>panic すると思うので、少なくとも / はマウントできているのでは、、と推

># / が ro になっているような気はするけど。


*** ERRIR: Root partition has already been mounted read-write. Cannot check!

For filesystem checking to work properly, your system must initially mount
the root partition  as read  only.  please modify your kernel with 'rdev'
so that
it does this. If you're booting with LILO , and a line:


to the Linux section in your /etc/lilo.conf and type 'lilo' to reinstall it.

If you boot from a kernel on a floppy disk, put it in the drive and type:
    rdev -R /dev/fdo 1

If you boot from a bootkernel disk, or with Loadlin, you can add the 'ro' flag

This will fix the problem *AND* eliminate this annoying message. :

Press ENTER to continue.

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